Support Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno
To keep our story going, preserve the past, live the present and grow in the future we need your support. Defending our cultural heritage is of utmost importance for our territory and for future generations and with your help we can keep admiring it.
You can make a difference! Find out below how to donate.
By joining the Membership program of the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova you will spend an unforgettable year with the Museum, you will enjoy exploring the collection with your family and friends and you will take part in exclusive events. Find out all the benefits and rewards we have reserved for you.
Membership fee
€ 35 yearly
● Unlimited free admission to the Museum for the entire year
● Free entrance to Saturday Kids Labs and guided tours for families
● Invitation to temporary exhibitions openings and premieres
● Reduced-price admission to special seasonal events (night visits, conferences, educational workshops)
● Event calendar reserved to members (such as guided tours to new exhibitions or following the restoration of artworks, cocktails in the garden, etc.)
● Up-to-date information and newsletters forwarded to your e-mail on the museum’s activities and services
● Reduced-price admission to partner museums (Isola dei Musei, TRA – Treviso Ricerca Arte, Musei Civici di Bassano)
● 30% discount on Bookshop items
With the Corporate Partnership program, Fondazione Canova aims to establish a strong relationship between the museum and a group of companies that believe in the communicative power of art and beauty: two essential aspects for the development and growth of a community and an organization, even a business company. Besides raising awareness on their corporate values, the partner companies will have the chance to meet, suggest initiatives, and take part to the exclusive events organized by the Museum. By joining this partnership, companies shows social responsibility: they demonstrate their commitment to having a positive impact on society, and protecting the local cultural and artistic heritage.
The Corporate partnership’s purpose is to overcome the concept of pure business sponsorship and create a strong bond with the partner companies, giving them the chance to enjoy a series of customizable services according to their needs.
● Awarness
Partner companies are mentioned on the website, on social networks, promotional material regarding the museum collection and press releases of every exhibition inaugurated during the partnership period.
● Rental of spaces
Companies are granted a reduced fee for the organization of evenings, meetings, events and dinners at the museum, guided tour and lantern-lit visit of the Gypsotheca included.
● Free or reduced-price admission
Partners may invite friends and guests to discover the beauty of the Museum and the Canovian artworks thanks to free-admission annual tickets. Partner companies may also include in their welfare program for employees and associates the possibility to get reduced-price admission to the museum.
● Bookshop
A commercial discount is applied to the volumes published by Fondazione Canova and to any bookshop item, whose graphic design can also be customized to create a unique corporate product.
● Tax benefits
Partner companies will receive the necessary documentation for the benefits reserved to tax payers who contribute to the conservation of cultural heritage and donate to non-profit organizations.
Fondazione Canova is eligible for the “5 per mille” Italian tax return donation by simply signing the proper box in the models of declaration for personal income (“modello Redditi Persone fisiche”, “modello 730”, attached form to “Certificazione unica”). You will need to sign the box reserved to non-profit organizations (non-profit-making organizations for community work and recognized foundations operating within the sectors indicated in art. 10, c. 1, lett. A of Legislative Decree n. 460 of 1997) and fill in the tax code of Fondazione Canova: 04022180261.
Informations / (+39) 0423 544323.
● Fondazione Canova is a private law body, duly registered at the Regional register of Veneto n. 55 of 24.03.2006 with n. 357 and is entrusted by the Comune di Possagno to provide, with its own budget and administrative body, for the conservation, protection, and promotion of the movable and immovable properties belonging to the Canovian complex (refer to the statutes of the institution) and bound by Law n. 1089 dated June 1, 1939 and by Presidential Decree n.1409 of September 30, 1963 and subsequent amendments and additions.
● Any maintenance or restoration work is paid in full by the institution pursuant to the constitutive act written by the Comune di Possagno, which shall retain ownership of the goods whose management is entrusted to a separate and distinct institution. Any profit generated by the management of the properties shall be divided and partitioned exclusively within the institution and its activities.
● Since December 12, 2005 Fondazione Canova is registered to the Regional register of the Italian tax authority dedicated to non-profit organizations. This way, it is exempt from stamp duty pursuant to article 17 of Legislative decree n. 460 dated December 4, 1997 and Presidential decree n. 642 dated October 26, 1972. Being a non-profit organization, Fondazione Canova can also receive monetary donations and contributions. Contributors can benefit from tax returns (as per recently amended article 83 of the new Code of the Third Sector – Legislative Decree n. 117 dated July 3, 2017).
● Individuals can deduct from their personal income tax (IRPEF) the equivalent of 30% of their monetary or in-kind donations, with a maximum of € 30,000 for every tax year. Monetary or in-kind donations made by individuals, institutions or companies to the foundation can be deducted from their total net incomes within the limit of 10% of the total declared income.
Canova. Buy a Masterpiece with us
A new ambitious project for the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova: A fundraising campaign aimed at acquiring Giorgione’s Self-Portrait by Canova.
The success of the campaign will allow us to:
● Make the painting available to the public, as it is now owned privately.
● Enrich the museum’s heritage. The museum is the heart of Canova’s historical and
artistic memory, and we wish to welcome this painting home.
● Contextualize the painting within Canova’s artistic journey.
The Museum believes this campaign to be particularly relevant for social, historical, artistic, and economic reasons. In addition to public and private institutions, the Museum will involve corporate and single donors.
For the most generous donations, the Museum has implemented a series of rewards that both single and corporate donors can take advantage of. For more information contact:

Images from the Campaign for the acquisition of Giorgione’s Self-Portrait by Antonio Canova
Restoration and conservation
Defending our cultural heritage is an obligation that we all have towards our territory and future generations. With your help, big or small, we can do a lot.
Thanks to the support of Partner companies and Institutions engaged in the conservation of our cultural heritage, Fondazione Canova Onlus was able to support important restoration projects.