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Guided tours – english edition. Discover more 
Guided tours – english edition. Discover more 
Today open 09:30-18:00

The non-profit Canova Foundation manages the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova in Possagno. Once, the Foundation had more social and assistance roles, today, it mainly carries out cultural activities aimed at the conservation of Canovian works (like preservation, restoration etc…), and maintaining the memory of the artist alive (through exhibits, conferences, guides, publications etc…).
The members of the Boards of Directors are nominated by order of the Mayor by the Mayor of Possagno and hold office for the duration of the city council (typically 5 years) and carry out the job free of charge.

The Museum was built between 1832 and 1836 when Canova’s pieces (plaster, terracotta, wax and marble sculptures, and oil on canvas) were moved from the artist’s Roman studio to Possagno, and housed in the Gypsotheca, that architect Francesco Lazzari had just finished building in the garden of Canova’s home.
Try to imagine a log convoy of carriages and ships full of plasters, marbles and paintings arriving in the small town of Possagno all the wat from Rome. It was an adventure that for that time and the means of transportation available was incredible. Director of this mighty operation was bishop Giovanni Battista Sartori (1775-1858), Canova’s stepbrother and only heir.
To preserve and protect the art pieces and buildings, Sartori named a curator-guardian of the Museum (the first was Tonin Pasino, a sculptor from Possagno, to be followed by Stefano Serafin, Siro Serafin and Settimo Manera, all of them lived in a part of Canova’s house).
In 1853 Sartori decided to establish the “Lascito Fondazione Canova (IPAB)”, an organization that still to this day manages and preserves all the historical and artistic assets bequeathed by Sartori to the Community of Possagno. The “Lascito Fondazione Canova (IPAB)” has a statute that dates to the end of the nineteenth century and was continuously updated based on the laws in force and the needs of the Canovian heritage.
With decree n.230 of 29.2.2005 by the Regional Manager of the Department of Social Services, the LASCITO FONDAZIONE CANOVA (IPAB), was dissolved and the assets partly donated to the Municipality of Possagno (real estate and movable property of historic and artistic interest) and partly to the new “Fondazione Canova onlus” (real estate and mobile assets not of historic and artistic interest).

Organization Chart

Massimo Zanetti

Vice President
Valerio Favero

Board of Directors
Valerio Favero (Mayor of Possagno)
Elisa Basso, Marco Comellini, Isabella Finato, Gianantonio Tramet, Alessandro Vardanega, Massimo Zanetti (Coucillors).

Moira Mascotto

Eugenio Tamburrino

Graziano Gianmichele Visentin

Employees of the organization

Maria Bizzotto, Chiara Lazzarin, Irene Longo, Eugenio Tamburrino, Giada Tonin, Lino Zanesco, Cristina Michelon, Augusto Gallina, Mauro Tittoto.

Study Committee (ex. art. 13 of the statute):
Support to the Board of directors and Director of the Foundation, the following were nominated and contribute free of charge:
Francesco Leone, Elena Catra, Fernando Mazzocca, Roberto de Feo, Paolo Mariuz, Elisabetta Barisoni, Vincenzo Tinè.


The Organization Fondazione Canova onlus

Fondazione Canova onlus was established with notarial act from Notary Imparato of Asolo – rep. nr. 11139 racc. n. 30346 del 5.12.2005, with start of activity from 1.1.2006.
It is an organization with legal personality of private law, recognized with Decree Veneto Region and registered on 12.12.2005 in the ONLUS (Non-profit organization with Social Utility) registry.
Along with the constitutive act, the new Statute was approved. In addition to the regulation of the organization, it includes asset management of the goods property of the Municipality with the purpose of protecting, promoting and valorizing the “Canovian Complex”, more specifically it was given the warrant of:
A) Protect, promote, restore, preserve and manage:

● Canova’s House (with annexed the rustic building of the kitchen, the Historic Archive, Library and Marcioro House;
● The Gypsotheca: Lazzari wing, Scarpa wing and stables;
● Gemin wing;
● Casa Rossa.
● Garden, Brolo and Canovain Park.

B) Manage, administrate, and valorize the other mobile assets, such as, The Canovian Musuem, the art collections preserved in the Canovian complex, the Historic Archive and the Library.

Statute of the Organization (in force since 2006)
download | allegato A | allegato B

Constitutive act

Regional decreet of recognition of legal personality

Registration in the ONLUS registry :

Governing bodies:
download Organi in carica

Three-year plan for the Prevention of Corruption and Transparenct 2018-2020:

Decree of appointment RPC:

Annual report 2018 of the Chief of Corruption Prevention:
Relationship tab RPCT.2019 | Detection grid 31.03.2019

Annual financial statement 2017:
2017 Budget | Delibera CdA nr 5.2 2018

Annual financial statement 2018:
2018 Budget |  Notes to the financial statements 2018

Annual financial statement 2019:
2019 Budget | Notes to the financial statements 2019

Annual financial statement 2020:
2020 Budget | Notes to the financial statements 2020.

Public contribution declaration 2020:

Public contribution declaration 2021:

L’art. 5 del D.Lgs. 33/2013 prevede che, nei casi in cui vi sia un obbligo di pubblicazione di documenti, informazioni o dati a carico dell’ente e quest’ultima ne ometta la pubblicazione, chiunque ha diritto di richiederli, esercitando il cd. accesso civico “semplice”. La richiesta di accesso civico è gratuita, non va motivata e deve essere presentata alla Fondazione Canova onlus nella persona del Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza.
Per formulare le richieste di accesso, può essere utilizzato il modello sotto riportato.
Il Responsabile per l’evasione delle richieste di accesso civico “semplice” è il Responsabile della prevenzione della corruzione e della trasparenza, Segretario di Fondazione Canova onlus, dott. Eugenio Tamburrino (2020).
Nei casi di diniego totale o parziale dell’accesso o di mancata risposta entro il termine di 30 giorni dal deposito dell’istanza, il richiedente può presentare richiesta di riesame al titolare del potere sostitutivo nella persona del Presidente pro-tempore.

Requests are to be presented to the following contact information:

● Electronic inbox:
● PEC:
● Ordinary mail


Ordinary mail:
Fondazione Canova onlus, Via A. Canova, 74 – 31054 Possagno (TV)

Electronic mail

Contact for general inquiries, such as access to the Museum, tour guides, activities, and other generalities.

Contact for administrative, accounting and managerial inquiries on the Foundation (refer to Secretary, dott. Eugenio Tamburrino), contact is valid also for requests to the Board of Directors of the Foundation 

Contact for cultural inquiries, proposals and requests related to the museum collection (refer to Director/Curator)

Contact for requesting information and propose educational activities (not valid for bookings)

Contact for requests and communications related to events and cultural initiatives promoted by the organization.

Contact for requests related to communications, press office and external relations

contact for technical necessities related to the Museum, accessibility resources and digital projects

As required by the law 124/2017, Fondazione Canova onlus shall publish online the amount of the financings perceived from the Public in 2018:
See Form L124

L’art.3 del D.L. 16 ottobre 2017 n. 148 convertito dalla L. 4 dicembre 2017 n. 172 e pubblicato nella G. U. 5 dicembre 2017 n. 284 ha esteso l’ambito dell’applicazione del meccanismo di Scissione dei Pagamenti (Split Payment) tramite la modifica dell’art. 17-ter del D.P.R. 26 ottobre 1972 n. 633.
Poiché Fondazione Canova ONLUS rientra tra i soggetti per i quali si applica la nuova disposizione, a decorrere dal 01/01/2018 le fatture nei nostri confronti andranno emesse con l’applicazione dello Split Payment.
Per effetto di tale norma, l’Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto dovrà essere addebitata nella fattura indicando sulla stessa la dicitura “Operazione effettuata in regime di Scissione dei Pagamenti (Split Payment) ai sensi dell’art. 17-ter del D.P.R. 26 ottobre 1972 n. 633”; i corrispettivi saranno pagati al netto dell’Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto che sarà versata da Fondazione Canova ONLUS all’Erario in qualità di sostituto d’imposta.
Si ricorda infine, che lo Split Payment non si applica alle operazioni assoggettate al meccanismo di Inversione Contabile (Reverse Charge) e ai regimi speciali ai fini dell’Imposta sul Valore Aggiunto (contribuenti che applicano il Regime dei Minimi e il Regime Forfettario).

Informativa sullo split-payment:
Comunicazione Split Payment – Fondazione Canova

Dal I° gennaio 2019, anche Fondazione Canova onlus è soggetto obbligato alla fatturazione elettronica per operazioni effettuate tra soggetti residenti o stabiliti in Italia, sia per l’acquisto di beni e prestazioni di servizi, sia a seguito di cessioni di beni e prestazioni di servizi (per i soggetti che ne fanno richiesta).

Richiesta o comunicazione del Codice Destinatario:
Comunicazione richiesta CD PEC 2019 FTE

Insitutional partners

Other bodies

The Canovian council
As expected by the municipal statute, art.59, the Canovian council is made up of the municipality of Possagno, Opera Dotazione of the Temple and Fondazione Canova onlus.

It proposes, according to its regulation, to:
● Realize what expected from the Statute art 1, comma 3, letter c
● Provide council and coordination in the management of Canovian assets, the spirit of the historic will of abbot- bishop Monsignor Giovanni Battista Sartori of February 28, 1858.
● Coordinate the social and cultural initiatives related to the figure and works of Antonio Canova.

Opera dotazione of the Canovian Temple of Possagno
The institution is in charge of the preservation, custody and valorization of the Temple of Possagno.
Visit the official website for complete information.


Comunicazione esito concorso del bando per la progettazione del bozzetto per la realizzazione di una medaglia celebrativa per il 200° anniversario della morte dell’artista Antonio Canova. Download

Work with us

Fondazione Canova onlus is a reality that with competence, skill e passion aims to manage the huge artistic heritage that the Municipality of Possagno entrusted her. The collaborators and professionals that work with the institution share with it the values of art and culture as important vehicles and essential pillars for the growth and development of the citizens and territory. They do so by managing, preserving and valorizing what inherited from the past to be able to enjoy it in the present and built the future of our society.

The professional category of the Canova Foundation’s personnel is that of an employee as descripted in the CCNL Uneba.
The activities are that of ticket office, administration, accounting, computer technician, representatives of public events and schools, communication and scientific areas related to the institution.
In case of intake the cv’s received in the 6 moths prior will be taken into consideration. To be considered they need to have states: degree, professional experiences, level of linguistic knowledge, attitudes and personal motivations.
The resumes will be evaluated by a board made up of the museum’s Director, the Secretary and in case of absence, from councilors of the Board of Directors and an employee in the field the position is open in. The candidates who’s resumes are considered relevant will be invited to an individual interview to further discuss the resume. A report of the entire procedure is drawn up and deposed in the annals of the Fondazione Canova Onlus.

Availabilities, CV, different introductions and meetings always need to sabe anticipated via e-mail

Fondazione Canova onlus offers the possibility for students enrolled in university, undergraduates and undergraduates enrolled in Master degrees or specialized courses, to carry out an internship period at the Museo Gypsotheca Antonio Canova.

The curricular internship represents an important and efficient opportunity to integrate a university preparation with a practical experience.
The student will be able to get to know and the learn about the different fields the Foundation operates in, from the institutions’ administration to the managing of the tourist flow of the Museo Gypsotheca in Possagno, the organization and realization of events and cultural initiatives, managing the communications, taking care of the preservation and cataloguing of the art collections, different activities in the library and the historic archive of the institution, and museum education plan.

Each internship plan will be evaluated and set in collaboration with the intern and the university supervisor.

Useful information to read before submitting an application.
Scarica il memorandum 

0423 544 323 /

Fondazione Canova onlus offers students in the last three years of high school the possibility to carry out an internship in the field of their school-work alternation.

The goal of the internship is to bring students closer to the local museum, with the ambition, courage, and authority to relate to the world and other international institutions. Always more relevant in the territory of the Pedemontana del Grappa and Asolo, attentive to the evolution of the cultural and tourism system, Possagno supports and promotes collaborations with the world of education and general training. Fondazione Canova onlus aims to accompany the students that want to get involved and experience a first professional collaboration and assist them by pairing them with an employee that works in the field daily, and get to know the ins and outs on how to manage a cultural institution.

Useful information to read before presenting a official request
Download the memorandum  

0423 544 323 /

Fondazione Canova onlus collaborates daily in terms of organization and management for the realization of internal museum services, like guided tours, educational workshops and the different cultural initiatives at the Museum with the Amici of Canova Association.
The Association periodically hosts new associates and offers opportunities, in front of an annual membership, to participate and collaborate in all proposed activities.

For information
Contact Amici of Canova Association via e-mail