Antonio Canova
The Graces
Gypsotheca, Nineteenth century wing
Canova was still working on the first version of the piece, when in December 1814, the Duke of Bedford, John Russel VI, arrived in Rome. He was so amazed by the plaster model that he immediately commissioned the artist a replica. Today the sculpture is shared heritage of the Victoria and Albert Museum in London and the National Galleries of Scotland in Edinburgh.
● Inventory Number
● Dimensions
170x100x65 cm
● Ownership
Fondazione Canova onlus, Possagno (TV)
● Marble
Victoria and Albert Museum, London (UK)
National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh (UK)
● Plaster
Glyptothek Carslberg, Copenhagen (D)
Casa di Cura, Bologna (IT)
Accademia di Belle Arti, Perugia (IT)
Laboratorio, Pietrasanta (IT)